My books are interrelated and build on each other. They are a distillation of the trials and tribulations that so many of my clients go through, and they all combine easy to read (and process) ideas and information, along with easy to apply tools and skills.
All of the books are available for online purchase. Make Work Work For You is on the shelves at most bookshops.

Make Work Work For You contains practical solutions for common work challenges like toxic environments, burnout, conflict management and more. Using the Wheel of Work as a foundation, this book will guide in identifying actionable changes, illustrated through diverse case studies. While staying in a job might not always be a choice, this book takes you on a journey and shows you that we all possess the agency to change how we approach our work.
Available now on the shelves at all good book stores.
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In Recover From Burnout I address the widespread issue of burnout in stress-laden South Africa. Drawing on extensive experience, the book explores the challenges faced by individuals, from housewives to business executives, offering strategies to break exhausting habits, understand underlying fears, and regain energy. This concise guide not only aids recovery from burnout but also focuses on preventing its recurrence.
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Recover From Your Childhood unveils the lasting impact of challenging childhoods on adult lives, highlighting how childhood fears shape one's existence. If you were a remarkably responsible child but now feel vulnerable during stressful times, you likely identify as an adult child. The book explores traits from unpredictable childhoods, such as an unattainable pursuit of perfection and a struggle to trust, offering transformative self-discovery tools for healing and positive change, not in WHO you are, but HOW you are in the world.
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Hello there, I'm Judy.
I'm a Master Life Coach, facilitator, trainer and published author from sunny South Africa. I'm passionate about helping people make things go right in their world of work and in their lives - by rediscovering and building on their resilience, resourcefulness and creativity.
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