How well is work working for you?
This Wheel of Work belongs to:

How true are the following statements for you? On a scale of 1 – 10 with 1 being completely untrue and 10 being absolutely true.
If this was a wheel on your car, how smooth would your ride at work be? Most people have a less than round Wheel of Work, which illustrates why our career journey can feel so bumpy and uncomfortable.
The rounder our wheel, the smoother our work journey, and the larger the wheel, the swifter and greater the progress will be in our work life.
The workshops and programmes explore each of the work areas in more detail, providing information and insights, and presenting tools and ideas to make each of the areas work better, ensuring that the wheel of work becomes more balanced and the work journey smoother.
Want to schedule a meeting to discuss a Make Work Work programme for your team, or individual coaching?
Book a free Discovery Session and let's talk about making that happen!

Hello there, I'm Judy.
I'm a Master Life Coach, facilitator, trainer and published author from sunny South Africa. I'm passionate about helping people make things go right in their world of work and in their lives - by rediscovering and building on their resilience, resourcefulness and creativity.
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